BioShock Infinite City in the Sky Trailer
We have a new piece of footage from Irrational Games’ BioShock: Infinite. Released just today is the new City in the Sky Trailer.
We see the tranquility of Colombia turn into a bloody free for all pretty quickly here. It looks like we have beautiful visuals, visceral game play, and a story that could become an industry standard . Too bad we don’t really know when we’ll see it (several delays don’t offer much comfort that our March 26th launch date will stay firm).
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Injustice: Gods Among Us New Story Trailer
NetherRealm stays on track with releasing tidbits of information about Injustice: Gods Among Us. We now have a brand new story trailer that somewhat explains why our favorite DC Comics Heroes and Villains will be beating each other senseless come April 16th.
This news adds to our continued coverage of Injustice: Gods Among Us. Earlier we revealed what the Collectors Editions were all about. We also served up a full Preview of what we know so far. In short here at Gaming Responsibly we’re thoroughly excited to see what NetherRealm does with the DC Universe come April 16th on all major consoles.
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Dead Space 3 Launch Trailer
Dead Space 3 will be upon us February 5th and the marketing team at EA is out to remind you just how isolated Isaac will be on Tau Volantis. This is a fantastic launch trailer orchestrated by Visceral and EA.
The inclusion of Gunner Wright’s live action face after the dual markers are shown was a great way to bring the anticipation to a boiling point. Isaac Clarke’s work is in no way done, and he’ll be up to his engineer mask in Necromorph and (for the first time) human enemies. Check out the launch trailer here:
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Lex Luthor joins the Injustice: Gods Among US roster
It was inevitable, undeniable, and let’s face it awesome! Lex Luthor has been officially added to the Injustice: Gods Among Us Roster. NetherRealm Studios has created a fantastic marketing campaign for their upcoming fighting title. Keeping Injustice: Gods Among Us fresh in the public view by releasing roster announcements with accompanying trailers in the months leading up to release.
The anticipation is steadily growing for NehterRealm’s first post Mortal Kombat fighting game. Check out Lex in action in his reveal trailer:
Injustice: Gods Among Us releases on April 16th for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii U. Check out our Preview and the recently revealed Collector’s Editions of the game. We’ll keep you posted as more characters are revealed.
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Dead Space 3 Preview
Dead Space 3 will release in just two weeks time. EA and Visceral have been kind enough to supply us with plenty information on plot, characters, and even a game play demo. Many times I’m swayed more heavily by pre-release demo’s than the marketing campaign that goes into a titles release. Now I didn’t personally play the Dead Space 3 Demo but, I know someone that did. Our friend Mingle at Gaming Responsibly was kind enough to give us his Impressions.
The Dead Space Franchise is built on the Survival Horror Genre with contributions from the Action/Adventure and RPG avenues. The main protagonist of the Dead Space Series Isaac Clarke has been through the ringer from the get go. Now he’s being thrust onto the arctic planet of Tau Volantis to dismember additional Necromorphs. Isaac is joined by new series protagonist and co-op addition John Carver. From what our previous demo impression states the experience is altered heavily when you take on Tau Volantis as a pair which is a first for the series.
Most likely we’ll see the “passing of the torch” so to speak in Dead Space 3. The addition of a new protagonist at the twilight of a trilogy is a fantastic way to get you acquainted with Carver and the many horrors he’s undoubtedly faced previous to his admission into the fray, as well as what’s to come in future editions of Dead Space.
I wasn’t by any means an early adopter of the Dead Space franchise. Dead Space 2 is still fresh in my mind as a recent achievement racking triumph. It was a memorable session that reinvigorated my love of the Survival Horror Genre. Something I hadn’t felt since the early releases of the Resident Evil Franchise. So I’m personally chomping at the bit to throw the engineer suit back on and tear through some Necromorph’s in various creative ways. What awaits our pair of engineers on Tau Volantis? I’m willing to bet it’s a tragic, blood stained story with a hint of madness.
Update: Couldn’t leave out this awesome Launch Trailer
Pre-order Dead Space 3 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC before February 5th to receive pre-order bonuses!
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40,243 total views, 1,256 views today