The Last of Us Game Play Footage
We have some great new footage in anticipation for The Last of Us. This is a great bit of game play footage showing the infected up close and personal in a few instances. It also displays a bit of the weapon crafting available. You also see Joel use some environmental elements like loose bricks to dispatch foes. Is it me, or are the infected blind? This may be due to the AI configurations not being fully tweaked, or maybe they are in fact blind to some degree. Either way check out some The Last of Us Footage:
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Rumor: Playstation 4 Reveal
According to Edge-Online there’s been a significant leak of details about Sony’s new Playstation 4 Console.
A source (most likely someone working on hardware development) states the Playstation 4 will be considerably more powerful than the next Xbox. They also confirm earlier reports that there will be a controller redesign. The launch window is reported to be by the end of this year. Sony is set to reveal more information on February 20th at an event dubbed ‘See the Future‘.
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God of War: Ascension Super Bowl XLVll Commercial
Sony has been revving up it’s marketing engine as of late. They were even cool enough to let us get a look at the God of War: Ascension Super Bowl Commercial early.
From Ashes is a live action trailer depicting Kratos prior to becoming the Ghost of Sparta. A gesture of this nature indicates Sony has large expectations for God of War: Ascension in terms of sales. The really neat thing about seeing the God of War: Ascension “From Ashes” trailer here is that it’s the extended cut. Football fans (and the women that watch the Super Bowl for the commercials) are only going to see approximately one minute of the action come Sunday.
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BioShock Infinite City in the Sky Trailer
We have a new piece of footage from Irrational Games’ BioShock: Infinite. Released just today is the new City in the Sky Trailer.
We see the tranquility of Colombia turn into a bloody free for all pretty quickly here. It looks like we have beautiful visuals, visceral game play, and a story that could become an industry standard . Too bad we don’t really know when we’ll see it (several delays don’t offer much comfort that our March 26th launch date will stay firm).
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Injustice: Gods Among Us New Story Trailer
NetherRealm stays on track with releasing tidbits of information about Injustice: Gods Among Us. We now have a brand new story trailer that somewhat explains why our favorite DC Comics Heroes and Villains will be beating each other senseless come April 16th.
This news adds to our continued coverage of Injustice: Gods Among Us. Earlier we revealed what the Collectors Editions were all about. We also served up a full Preview of what we know so far. In short here at Gaming Responsibly we’re thoroughly excited to see what NetherRealm does with the DC Universe come April 16th on all major consoles.
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232 total views, 34 views today