The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Full Spectrum Preview

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified hits this August and the wait is killing us

iGR Insight - Cloudberry Kingdom PlayStation 3 Review

Prepare to die. Seriously, be intimidated, son.

iGR Insight - InstantGS Valve And Ohm Server Rentals Review

InstantGS is a new offering int he world of Valve and Ohm server leases.

Batman: Arkham Origins Has An Online Multiplayer

Splash Damage is developing a multiplayer mode attached to the new Batman: Arkham Origins.

Xbox Presents The Call Of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal August 14th

Sink your teeth into Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer reveal on August 14th.

BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea Has Us Returning To The Golden Age Of Rapture

BioShock Infinite’s story DLC - Burial at Sea has been detailed and it holds a surprising amount of value.

BioShock: Infinite Clash In The Clouds DLC Detailed

The long awaited BioShock: Infinite Season Pass has it’s first add-on available today.

Full Control Opens Space Hulk Pre-orders On Steam

The kings of Turn Based Strategy are now accepting pre-orders for the Warhammer 40K inspired Space Hulk.

iGR Insight - The Raven: Legacy Of A Master Thief PC Review

The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief part one sets up an intriguing mystery that leaves us waiting for the next two installments.

Oculus Rift And IndieCade Team Up For IndieCade Festival 2013′s VR Jam

The Oculus Rift is making it’s way to IndieCade 2013 for an all new competition.

Capcom Announces The Return Of Strider Early 2014

Capcom announces the return of the OG ninja.

Exclusive - Mike Diskett Talks Kickstarter, Espionage, And The Games Industry

Mike Diskett gives tons of insight into 5 Lives Studios’ Satellite Reign Kickstarter.

Fez Sees Monstrous Success During This Years Steam Summer Getaway Sale

The Steam Summer Getaway Sale has been good to Fez.

iGR Insight - DARK PC Review

Realmforge has failed to create a compelling stealth, action game with DARK.

Nearly 7 Minutes Of Gameplay In The New Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Trailer

Ubisoft shows off nearly 7 minutes of Assassin’s Creed IV gameplay.

Deep Silver To Assist inXile With Wasteland 2 Distribution

inXile and Deep Silver partner to distribute Wasteland 2.

DuckTales: Remastered Release Dates Confirmed Along With Video Duckumentary!

Capcom is bringing DuckTales into the current generation this August.

Dota 2 Makes It’s Long Awaited Official Release

Dota 2 is finally out of Beta just before Valve’s The International tournament.

Capcom Releases A New Lost Planet 3 Trailer

Lost Planet 3′s new protagonist, Jim Peyton struggles to survive.

City Interactive’s Alien Rage Gets New Screens And Trailer

City Interactive expands it’s repertoire with Alien Rage.

iGR Insight - The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC Review

Follow five new survivors as they attempt to survive The Walking Dead.

Double Fine’s Kickstarter Funded Broken Age Is Being Split Into Two Parts

Double Fine reveals it’s new distribution plans and release schedule for Broken Age.

Disastercake Successfully Funds J-RPG Love Letter Soul Saga On Kickstarter

The J-RPG Soul Saga is obliterating funding goals left and right on Kickstarter.

DARK Will Feature Oculus Rift Support On Windows PC

Experience stealth action gameplay in VR with DARK and the Oculus Rift.

Witness The Beginning Of The End In The Walking Dead: 400 Days Launch Trailer

Five new short stories comprise the 400 Days DLC

Telltale Reveals The Walking Dead 400 Days DLC Release Date

Get ready for a new story in The Walking Dead universe starting tomorrow.

Feature - Satellite Reign Kickstarter Launched By Syndicate Wars Creator

The Director of Syndicate Wars has a new project currently funding on Kickstarter.

Telltale’s Newest Episode Of ‘Playing Dead’ Details The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC

Catch some new details about The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC

iGR Insight - Reus PC Review

Reus delivers and innovative look at the god-game, but falls short otherwise.

Armikrog Has Crossed The Crowdfunding Finish Line On Kickstarter

Armikrog has been fully funded with just hours remaining.

New Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Videos Highlight Character Classes

Preview Dark Souls 2′s character classes in four new digestible gameplay videos.

Devolver Digital And Dennaton Games Tease Hotline Miami 2

A sequel to one of the PC’s highest rated titles is due before the end of the year.

The Oculus Rift VR Peripheral Secures New Capitol For Development

The Oculus Rift VR headset secures funding to produce a consumer model.

AMD Lands Partnership With EA - All Frostbite 3 Games Optimized For AMD CPU’s, GPU’s

AMD is starting to make real headway in the battle against Nvidia.

iGR Insight - Braid PC Review

Jonathan Blow’s Braid is a visually appealing innovative 2D platformer.

Indie Devs Pledge Allegiance To Sony’s PlayStation 4

Will indie support make a real difference in the next console generation?

New Screens And Gameplay Of The Witcher 3 Out Of E3

CD Projekt RED showcases The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt at E3.

Telltale Details The Walking Dead 400 Days DLC

Telltale offers additional content for The Walking Dead.

New Call of Duty: Ghosts Campaign Details

New campaign, gameplay, and other details on Call of Duty: Ghosts. Come in and take a look.

E3 Launch Trailer Roundup - DARK, Thief, And Dying Light

Check out DARK, Thief, and Dying Light’s E3 launch trailers.

New Screenshots Of Disney’s Ducktales: Remastered

Capcom is bringing an 8-bit darling to current gen consoles.

Capcom Releases New Lost Planet 3 Screenshots

Capcom readies it’s third installment in the Lost Planet saga.

iGR Insight - Fez PC Review

After seeing Indie Game: The Movie our resident PC reviewer wanted to check Fez out.

Dark Souls 2 Given March 2014 Release Window

Surprise! The successor to one of the most brutal games of 2011 finally has a release window.

iGR Insight - Anomaly: Warzone Earth PC Review

11 Bit Studios took the tower defense formula and turned it on it’s head with Anomaly: Warzone Earth.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist - Innovating On A Tried And Tested Formula

Sam Fisher has a few new tricks up his sleeve in Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

Can Machine Games Set Wolfenstein: The New Order Apart?

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Wolfenstein: The New Order aims to ‘bring Nazi back’ to story driven shooters.

iGR Insight - The Book of Unwritten Tales PC Review

follow the story of four unlikely characters that accomplish enormous feats of heroism together.

Dead Island Developer Techland Reveals Dying Light

Techland sticks to their zombie slaying, electrified baseball bats with Dying Light.

Madden 25′s Connected Franchise Mode Detailed

Some new information about Madden’s 25th anniversary installment surfaces.

Batman: Arkham Origins Box Art, Screenshots, and Trailer Released

Batman: Arkham Origins appears to be in capable hands.

Obsidian Entertainment partners with mail.ru to create MMORPG Skyforge

Obsidian teams with Russian search engine and mail service to produce MMORPG.

iGR Insight - Monaco PC Review

Monaco is multiplayer bedlam at it’s best.

Feature - Holdfast: A Gamebook of Dwarven Vengeance

fortress cavern w logo
Relive your childhood adventures with Holdfast: A Gamebook of Dwarven Vengeance.

New Trailer For DARK Slips From The Shadows

I’ve always wanted to be a vampire…I mean gangster!

Take Two Interactive May Just Dominate 2013 Start To Finish

Will 2K Games win the heavyweight championship in 2013?

Ubisoft Releases A Six Minute Watch Dogs Game Play Demo

Ubisoft shows a demo of Watch Dogs. Many game play elements and UI features look all too familiar.

Feature - Welcome to Boon Hill ‘They Say This Graveyard Is Haunted, You Know’

It’s time we took a trip over to Boon Hill, and look at some gravestones…

Telltale Releases New Screenshots of The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us gets new screen shots

Feature - A Tinykeep With Huge Potential On Kickstarter

Don’t miss out on backing this randomly generated 3D dungeon crawling romp!

Bethesda Announces Wolfenstein: The New Order and Details Release Window

Wolfenstein - New Order
Bethesda was serious about making a splash in 2013. Wolfenstein is back!

iGR Insight - Poker Night 2 PC Review

A motley crew has gathered at The Inventory, once again, for some high stakes poker.

Update: Call of Duty: Ghosts Teaser Trailer Appears - Release Date Confirmed

Call of Duty: Ghosts has it’s first official teaser trailer.

iGR Insight - God Mode PC Review

Atlus takes a break from the JRPG to bring us God Mode.

First Look - The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief

The Raven Logo
An exclusive first look at KING Art Games’ The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief.

New - Watch Dogs Trailer and Release Date Confirmed

Ubisoft has delivered it’s promised look into Watch Dogs, and it’s another small bit of story information and game play footage.

Watch Dogs Special Edition Contents Leaked

Special Editions aren’t going anywhere. Ubisoft’s plans for Watch Dogs have been leaked.

iGR Exclusive - Tom Szirtes On Atomhawk Design/Lantern Interactive’s Kickstarter Project The Realm

The development team of The Realm has a veritable wealth of knowledge and experience behind it.

The Bureau: Xcom Declassified Announced and Detailed

2K Marin has unveiled their newest project, and it’s one that’s been in the shadows for some time.

iGR Insight - Evoland PC Review

Shiro Games has successfully linked many of our favorite RPG’s into one excellent experience.

Skyrim Running On The Oculus Rift

Check out Skyrim, with full head tracking functionality.

The Wolf Among Us - Bigby Wolf and New York’s Secret Community

Another huge IP has been hand delivered for the Telltale Games treatment.

iGR One Sheet Preview - Telltale Games’ Poker Night 2

Rub elbows with some of the most insane characters in tv, movies, and games.

iGR One Sheet Preview - Deadfall Adventures

Deadfall Adventures will seamlessly blend the Action/Adventure and FPS genres with a globe trotting hunt for an ancient relic.

Bethesda Reveals Shinji Mikami’s The Evil Within

Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami’s next game is The Evil Within.

Trion Worlds Working To Get Defiance Back Up After Patch Causes Major Problems

Significant issues arose after Trion Worlds released patch 1.010 on the PC and Xbox 360.

Exclusive - Interview With Kickstarter Funded RPG CONSORTIUM Developer iDGi

consortium cast
CONSORTIUM has been funded via Kickstarter! The Founder and CEO of iDGi sat down with us to provide insight into their dream project.

iGR Exclusive One Sheet Preview - Sektor 58

It’s time for an exclusive look at Crowdcell Ltd’s Sektor 58.

State of Decay Hitting XBLA in June

State of Decay’s zombie ridden universe launches this summer.

New - Dark Souls 2 Preview ‘Despair’ Trailer

Isolation is just the tip of the horrible iceberg in Dark Souls 2.

Batman: Arkham Origins and Release Date Confirmed

Rocksteady has passed the torch on the Batman: Arkham series to WB Montreal.

iGR Insight - Stealth Bastard Deluxe PC Review

If the title isn’t enough to entice you to play, check out our review.

iGR Insight - BioShock: Infinite PC Video Review

Don’t feel like reading my lengthy review? Watch Scott’s instead!

iGR Insight - Super House of Dead Ninjas PC Review

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Adult Swim brings it’s first game to the Steam marketplace with Super House of Dead Ninjas

Undead Labs Nearly Finished With State of Decay

Undead Labs is taking a rather ambitious approach to the zombie genre.

Klei Entertainment Continues It’s Evolution With Don’t Starve

Klei Entertainment offers a new look at Don’t Starve

Broken Age Confirmed As Next Double Fine Adventure

2 Player Productions and Double Fine have revealed the title of their next adventure.

iGR Insight - Mark of the Ninja PC Review

Klei Entertainment has created a fantastic stealth action game that’s a must have for fans of the genre.

BioShock Infinite “False Shepherd” Trailer

Get ready for some hand melting action.

iGR Insight - Highborn Chapter One Review

Highborn is Jet Set Games’ turn based strategy game, and we have chapter 1 of 3 reviewed with the other two to follow.

Sim City - Dealing With Server Down Time

The Sim City servers will be available at ?

iGR Insight - A Valley Without Wind Review

A unique take on the Platformer.

iGR Insight - Crysis 3 PC Video Review

A beautiful, fast paced, action thriller…with a few costly missteps.

iGR Insight - Antichamber Review

When Antichamber came to Steam January 31st I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

inXile Offers First Wasteland 2 Game Play Footage

We now have the first game play footage available from Wasteland 2.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass Confirmed By Sega

Season Pass? Why not? Sega has announced Aliens: Colonial Marines will be getting extended DLC coverage via a Season Pass.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Contact - Extended Trailer

Well we’re less than a week away from Aliens: Colonial Marines release. I’m confident that the franchise is in deft, competent hands with Gearbox Softworks.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Teaser Trailer

Now it seems CD Projekt Red has upped the ante and released the first The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Teaser Trailer.

iGR Insight - Deadlight Review

opening sceen
I’ve been on a zombie kick lately, and with The Walking Dead returning soon I thought I’d replay and review Deadlight.

iGR Insight - Dead Pixels Review

I recently finished fighting my way through the zombie infested streets of New Hexington