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Next Gen Blues; DRM and You
Over the last few weeks, hospitals across the nation have reported a spike in relatively minor injuries to patient’s fingers. Experts believe that what is now being called nailbiteranticipatitous Continue reading →
BioShock Infinite Truth From Legend Trailer
Learn more about the Mythos behind the notorious Songbird from BioShock Infinite. Continue reading →
Another Image Of The Playstation 4 Controller Surfaces
Update: We have a new angle that looks a bit less chunky. Check it out! Continue reading →
Crysis 3 One Sheet Preview
Crytek is known Industry wide for creating some of the most detailed textures, lighting effects, and facial animations in their titles. Continue reading →
Is This The New PS4 (Orbis) Controller?
Please tell me this isn't the PS4 Controller... Continue reading →
Take Two Takes Over WWE Franchise
First off, thank god it wasn't EA. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk a bit about this news. Continue reading →
Gamestop/EB Games Has Watch Dogs & Rainbow Six Patriots Slated For Wii U
A Gamestop/EB Games employee has been very naughty indeed! All lumps of coal this year in his/her stocking. Continue reading →
Naughty Dog’s The Last Of Us Has Been Delayed
In a recent statement made to Gamespot a representative from Naughty Dog has informed the public Continue reading →
New GTA V Screenshots - Bank Robberies and Scaling Buildings
Rockstar was feeling generous enough to supply some brand new screen shots from the Upcoming (delayed) Grand Theft Auto 5. Continue reading →
Bungie Has Confirmed Destiny - Reveal Coming February 17th
Bungie is known for being subtle. So when they confirmed Destiny with this quote - "So, our game is called Destiny." it was pretty status quo. Continue reading →
Next Gen Blues; DRM and You
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