Xbox 360

New GTA V Screenshots - Bank Robberies and Scaling Buildings

Rockstar was feeling generous enough to supply some brand new screen shots from the Upcoming (delayed) Grand Theft Auto 5.

Injustice: Gods Among Us Battle Arena Week 2

It's Monday again, and that means we have a new Injustice: Gods Among Us Battle Arena to check out.

Army of Two: Devil's Cartel Overkill Trailer

EA and Visceral Games offers up a glimpse of Overkill Mode.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass Confirmed By Sega

Season Pass? Why not? Sega has announced Aliens: Colonial Marines will be getting extended DLC coverage via a Season Pass.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Contact - Extended Trailer

Well we're less than a week away from Aliens: Colonial Marines release. I'm confident that the franchise is in deft, competent hands with Gearbox Softworks.