iGR Exclusive Interviews
Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail Talks Luftrausers, Nuclear Throne, and PS4/Vita Development
Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail stops in for a fireside chat
Content Is King At PlayStation And They Plan To Deliver
SCEA developer relations believe in quality over quantity, wholeheratedly
PS4 In 2014: To Unity, And Beyond (Interview With SCEA Dev Relations)
Check out what PlayStation has in store for 2014
PlayStation Has News That “Gamers Will Be Excited About” At GDC 2014
PlayStation has some exciting news for gamers at GDC 2014
PlayStation: “We Don’t Have An Indie Program”
PlayStation views content as king, not the size of development budget
Exclusive - Author Genese Davis Stops In For A Chat Part 3
We wrap up our time with Genese, but not before getting her opinion on where the industry is headed
Exclusive - Genese Davis Stops In For A Chat Part 2
We dive into part two of our interview with author Genese Davis!
Exclusive - Author Genese Davis Stops In For A Chat
One of the gaming industry’s best and brightest stopped in for an interview!?
Exclusive - Mike Diskett Talks Kickstarter, Espionage, And The Games Industry
Mike Diskett gives tons of insight into 5 Lives Studios’ Satellite Reign Kickstarter.
Exclusive - The Neverhood’s Mike Dietz ‘The Industry Is Stuck In A Rut’
I had the honor of interviewing a living legend in the animation field.