
Kickstarter Projects You Should Pay Attention To #2

A big congratulations in order this week on our Kickstarter Spotlight.

Is The Xbox 360 Stuck In A Limbo Of Sorts?

While Microsoft readies it's announcement of the next Xbox, the 360 finds itself in a strange position.

Kickstarter Projects You Should Pay Attention To #1

Our newest weekly article sheds light on deserving Kickstarter Projects

The Proliferation Of PSN & XBLA

The XBLA and PSN are more popular than ever, but just how did they get to that level of popularity?

iGR's Top Internet Trolls Of The Week 3/11-3/17

We delve into the fragile psyche of the internet troll in our newest weekly article.

One Year Later - Sony Playstation 3

Where does the time go?

Why I Can't Directly Compare Tomb Raider To Uncharted Part 2 - Differences

iGR's Tomb Raider - Uncharted Compare/Contrast Series Part 2

Why I Can't Directly Compare Tomb Raider To Uncharted Part 1 - Similarities

iGR's Tomb Raider - Uncharted Compare/Contrast Series Part 1

Wedbush Securities Analyst Michael Pachter Says Xbox Will Win Next Gen Struggle

Pachter has it all figured out

Four Must Have Xbox Live Arcade Games

I've chronicled the best $60 I've spent on the Xbox Live Arcade. I submit this to you, the iGR loyal as a guide to hours of inexpensive gaming delight.

Micro-Transactions and the Next Generation for Electronic Arts

EA is guilty of numerous infractions on the gaming community, but are micro-transactions really one of them?

Neverending Video Game Sequels, Prequels, Reboots, and Spinoffs

Let the Ranting and Raging BEGIN!

iGR Staff 2012 Year in Review

We have an amazing staff here at iGR, and apparently we agree on nothing, except for being disappointed with Assassin's Creed 3.

Playstation 4 - What's in the Box!?

Sony Revealed Games, Controllers, and a Sensor Bar...Where's the Box?

Playstation 4 Will Be Playable Offline

Some answers to our questions after the PS4 reveal are starting to trickle in.

Does Sony's Vita Price Cut Represent the Twlight of Handheld Gaming?

Can the Vita survive long enough for PS4 gamer's to take advantage of remote play?

Cinematic Trailers; The Art of a Beautiful Lie

What game have you been disappointed with Game Play on that sold you on Cinematics?

Next Gen Blues; DRM and You

Over the last few weeks, hospitals across the nation have reported a spike in relatively minor injuries to patient’s fingers. Experts believe that what is now being called nailbiteranticipatitous

Unwritten: That Which Happened Kickstarter Campaign

Unwritten: That Which Happened Kickstarter
A fantastic Kickstarter campaign is wrapping up tomorrow at 11pm CST. Unwritten: That Which Happened is a turn based strategy game slated for an August 2013 PC release.


Ever heard of the eSfere?